Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Looking Back on a Year of God's Provision

As I sit here trying to figure out how to write an update of life over the past 2 months, I find myself having a hard time knowing just where to begin.

Yesterday was Mapile and my one year wedding anniversary. The time has just flown by, and it’s so fun to look back and see the many ways that the Lord has provided for us during this first year of marriage.

When I moved to Swaziland in June 2015 to prepare for our wedding, I didn’t know where we would live when we were married, where I would work, or how we would make ends meet... and I certainly didn’t know that by our one year wedding anniversary I would be pregnant at 29 weeks with our baby girl! I also didn’t know that I’d already have my Swazi citizenship, or that I’d be 2 months into my 2nd job in Swaziland… learning so much about pediatrics and being the nurse for 131 kids!

Yes, that's me swearing in and officially becoming a Swazi Citizen 

I could write a separate blog to tell you of the whole citizenship process... but for now I'll spare you the details!
God is so faithful. It’s good to stop every now and then and look back to see the many ways that He has blessed us.

Yes, I did say that I am already 29 weeks pregnant, and we did find out that we are having a girl. We are so excited. She’s been a good baby so far. She’s so fun because she loves to kick, and sometimes I think she must be doing aerobics because of how much she moves. I am suspecting she’ll be a little athlete. We have been thinking about her name, and so far we’ve decided that we’d like to give her one Siswati name, and also one English name, but that’s about as far as we’ve come in the name stage. She is due on October 29, and that day seems to be coming quicker and quicker!
29 weeks
Mapile has been busy with life at the Bible College. School opened back up in July, and he taught a New Testament Survey class for the first time. He’s also been in charge of the library and the chapel services on campus. The college is also going through a time of transition, where he is picking up some new responsibilities as well. Some of those new things include leading times of prayer and fasting, organizing music lessons, and challenging the students to memorize scripture.. Needless to say, things at the college have been keeping Mapile quite busy.

I am about 2 ½ months into my new job working for Heart for Africa at Project Canaan. I am continually learning so much, and I’m so thankful for this new work/ministry opportunity. I often feel overwhelmed and unqualified for the job, but God continues to help me. I am so humbled to be working at this children’s home and taking care of the kids. The set up is really good because I also have the support of a pediatrician who comes out every other week. It helps me not feel too stressed or overwhelmed, because the pediatrician is excellent and it’s a relief to be able to refer anything out of my scope of practice to her (which at this point is a LOT of things!).

Since I started working there we have had over 10 kids join the home. I had the privilege last week of going on one of the pick up trips to get a child. Swaziland’s Social Welfare department notifies our director when there is a need for a baby to be in a safe place, and once it is approved then we are able to pick up the child. As I heard the story of this little girl, which was somewhat complicated and confusing, I kept thinking about how God is El Roi, the God who sees, and He sees all that happens here on earth. He knows all the details and who was involved, and He sees their hearts. The name of the Baby Home at Project Canaan is El Roi, which is such a fitting name because there are so many things that we do not know about the background of our kids, but El Roi doesn’t miss a thing, and He knows every detail.

“The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From his throne he observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do.” – Psalm 33:13-15 NLT

Here's a few other pics from life the past 2 months. 
My last day of work at Mkhiwa - the nurses bought me a cake and had a small farewell for me. This is Beke and Simo, two of my good friends from Mkhiwa. 
Our garden - we have had lots of spinach and lettuce that we've been able to eat lots of and give away. 
Our cousins and our niece came to visit us again a few weeks back. This photo is taken outside Gogo's house, where they stay.


  1. Loved hearing all that is happening in your lives! Missing you guys so much! We keep thinking about meeting baby Vilakati when we return! Can't wait! Love you all.

  2. What a great update! You guys stay busy with such beautiful "life" things. :) Looking forward to seeing pics of that baby!!
    Katie Hinton

  3. Congrats Hannah on your Swazi citizenship!!!!
